LES ANGLES ÉTINCELANTS Laurent Cennamo,,it,June at 18:30,,fr,is the title of the second book of poetry published by Editions Laurent Cennamo,,fr,In this book,,fr,the author explores a new facet of his poetic experience,,fr,lighter,,fr,more open to the world and its diversity,,fr,its first collection was called,,fr,To him that was hung upside down,,fr,appear as,,fr,to the turning of a chiseled,,fr,a childhood toy,,fr,The Knight of the Swan,,fr,Italian footballer,,fr,the hero of a TV series years,,fr,Mac Gyver,,no,On the occasion of this meeting,,fr,Laurent Cennamo will dialogue with his publisher Editions La Dogana,,fr,Florian Rodari,,fr,ANGLES Laurent SPARKLING Cennamo,,fr
Wednesday 28 juin à 18h30
Play Area, Méjanes Library
Rencontre avec Laurent Cennamo
The glittering angles,,fr,Meet Laurent Cennamo and Florian Rodari,,fr,Hélène Hoppenot –,,en,Chines,,en,Office of the poet,,fr,Laurent Cennamo,,fr,in partnership with the Association of Friends of Jean Métellus,,fr,Tribute to Jean Métellus,,fr,readings by Mariann Mathéus and Patrick Karl,,fr,Apollinaire life,,fr,From painting to the poem,,fr est le titre du second recueil de poèmes publié par Laurent Cennamo aux éditions The Dogana (Geneva). Dans ce livre, l’auteur explore une nouvelle facette de son expérience poétique, plus légère, plus ouverte au monde et à sa diversité (son premier recueil s’intitulait À celui qui fut pendu par les pieds). Apparaissent ainsi, au détour d’un vers ciselé, un jouet d’enfance (Le Chevalier du Cygne), un footballeur italien, le héros d’une série télévisée des années 80 (Mac Gyver)…
À l’occasion de cette rencontre, Laurent Cennamo dialoguera avec son éditeur aux éditions La Dogana, Florian Rodari.
Laurent Cennamo,,it,June at 18:30,,fr,is the title of the second book of poetry published by Editions Laurent Cennamo,,fr,In this book,,fr,the author explores a new facet of his poetic experience,,fr,lighter,,fr,more open to the world and its diversity,,fr,its first collection was called,,fr,To him that was hung upside down,,fr,appear as,,fr,to the turning of a chiseled,,fr,a childhood toy,,fr,The Knight of the Swan,,fr,Italian footballer,,fr,the hero of a TV series years,,fr,Mac Gyver,,no,On the occasion of this meeting,,fr,Laurent Cennamo will dialogue with his publisher Editions La Dogana,,fr,Florian Rodari,,fr,ANGLES Laurent SPARKLING Cennamo,,fr …