Biographical studies
Below is a selection of books about Alexis Leger / Saint-John Perse, most of which include both his life and his poetry. There are innumerable studies of the poet-diplomat, including articles and theses. Many can be found at the Saint-John Perse Foundation. In 2003, Colette Camelin and Catherine Mayaux published a comprehensive bibliography on Saint-John Perse that is 340 pages long and includes 1941 entries. Updated Bibliographies are published regularly in Les Cahiers Saint-John Perse and / or Souffle de Perse, the journal of the Association of Friends of the Foundation. For online viewing, click here .Books about Saint-John Perse
reverse aging
Saint-John Perse
Lettres familiales (1944-1957)
édition Claude Thiébaut
Paris, Gallimard, The Journal of the NRF, Saint-John Perse series, 2015, No. 22
Henriette Levillain
Saint-John Perse
Paris, Fayard, 2013 [Literary biographies]
Renaud Meltz
Alexis Leger dit Saint-John Perse
Paris, Flammarion, 2008 [Major biographies]
Joëlle Guards
Saint-John Perse, the shores of exile, biography
Paris, Aden, 2006. [coll. The Dead Poets Society]
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 279 C]
Henriette Levillain
Saint-John Perse
Paris, Association for the Dissemination of French Thought (A.D.P.F.) - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2005.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 276 C]
Élodie Dujon-Jourdain, Renée Dormoy-Leger
Memories Békées, unpublished
Text established and annotated by Henriette Levillain
Paris, L'Harmattan, 2002. [coll. Otherwise same]
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 271 C]
Fortune torch
La Maison du Bois-Debout or childhood of Saint-John Perse
Paris, Bibliophane-Daniel Radford, 2002.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 272 C]
Raymond Boyer de Sainte-Suzanne
Foreign policy, the Quai d'Orsay and Saint-John Perse tested at a glance November Journal 1938 – June 1940
presented and annotated by Henriette and Philippe Levillain
Paris, Viviane Hamy, 2000.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 265 C]
Mireille Sacotte
Alexis Leger / Saint-John Perse
Paris, Belfond, 1991.
[reprint 1997 L'Harmattan, same pagination]
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 256 C]
René Rouyère
Youth Alexis Leger (Saint-John Perse), Pau-Bordeaux 1899-1912
Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1989.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 184 C]
Pierre Guerre
Portrait of Saint-John Perse
texts drawn, collected and presented by Roger Little
Marseilles, South, 1989.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 185 C]
Stephen Crouy-Chanel
Alexis Leger either face of Saint-John Perse
Paris, Picollec, 1989.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 149 C]
Erika Ostrovsky
Under the Sign of Ambiguity : Saint-John Perse / Alexis Leger
New York, New York University Press, 1985.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 148 C]
Maurice Saillet
Saint-John Perse, Poet glory
Paris, Mercure de France, 1952.
[Saint-John Perse Foundation : 31 C]
Collective works
reverse aging
Revue des deux mondes : Saint-John Perse, l’éternel exilé
3, mars 1999.
[numéro spécial réuni par Joëlle Gardes Tamine et Nathalie Baudry d’Asson]
[à la Fondation Saint-John Perse : 258 C]
Europe : Saint-John Perse
799-800, novembre-décembre 1995.
[numéro spécial réuni par Henriette Levillain et Mireille Sacotte]
[à la Fondation Saint-John Perse : 235 C]
Saint-John Perse, les années de formation
Colloque, Bordeaux, 1994
textes réunis par Jack Corzani
Paris, Celfa-L’Harmattan, 1996.
[à la Fondation Saint-John Perse : 236 C]
Saint-John Perse, antillanité et universalité
Colloque, Pointe-à-Pitre, 1987.
présenté par Henriette Levillain et Mireille Sacotte
Paris, Éditions caribéennes, 1988.
[à la Fondation Saint-John Perse : fondationsaintjohnperse 181 C]