Bibliography 2001
Writings of Saint-John Perse :
Works :
*Praises followed by Glory of Kings, Anabasis, Exile, Paris, Gallimard, 2001, 213 p. (Poetry) [1first edition. 1967].
*The Uncertain Modernity in Saint-John Perse ?, Proceedings of the conference of Besançon 14, 15 and 16 mai 1998, Besançon, University presses Franche-Comté, 2001, pp. 95-97 [transcription and comments by Claude Thiebaut] [novel].
*The Poet and the Diplomat, Correspondence of Dag Hammarskjöld and Alexis Leger, Syracuse University Press, 2001, 146 p. ill. (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) [edited by Marie-Noëlle Little, translated by Marie-Noëlle Little and William C. Parker] [1first edition. 1993].
*Letter of Saint-John Perse to Dag Hammarskjöld, 8 nov. 55 in Development Dialogue, Uppsala, 1, 2001, pp. 67-68 [facsimile of the manuscript] [numéro spécial Dag Hammarskjöld and the 21st Century].
*Letter of Saint-John Perse to Dag Hammarskjöld, Polynesia, Giens, Var, 24 th 59 dans The Poet and the Diplomat, Correspondence of Dag Hammarskjöld and Alexis Leger, Syracuse University Press, 2001, p. 98 [facsimile of the manuscript].
*Mail exile, Saint-John Perse and his American friends 1940-1970, Aix-en-Provence - Paris, Fondation Saint-John Perse - Gallimard, 2001, 364 p. ill. (Publication of the Fondation Saint-John Perse) [correspondence with Archibald MacLeish, Katherine Garrison Chapin Biddle, Francis Biddle] [Cahiers Saint-John Perse, Papers of the NRF, 15] [texts collected, translated and presented by Carol Rigolot].
Translations :
*Seferis (Georges) : [Saint-John Perse] : [Extract of Amers (Seamarks)]. Athens : Gavrielides, 2001, 122 p. [ed. bilingual] [introduction, edition and notes May Chehab].
*Cani (Alket) : [Saint-John Perse] : Anabase = Anabaza. Tirana : Hesperus, 2001, pp. 29-66 [Albanian translation].
*JENSEN (Kjell Olaf) : [Saint-John Perse] : [Anabase II], Caribbean says, Caribbean stories, [S.L.], Today Boker, p. 288 [Norwegian translation].
*Cani (Alket) : [Saint-John Perse] Sung by one who was there Kenge =, Chant pour un Equinox = ng for an equinox. Tirana : Hesperus, 2001, pp. 95-98, 101-102 [Albanian translation].
*JENSEN (Kjell Olaf) : [Saint-John Perse] : [Written on the door], Caribbean says, Caribbean stories, [S.L.], Today Boker, pp. 287-288 [Norwegian translation].
*Cani (Alket) : [Saint-John Perse] : Exil = Mergim. Tirana : Hesperus, 2001, pp. 69-92 [Albanian translation].
*Cani (Alket) : [Saint-John Perse] : Images à Crusoe = Imaging Kruzoen, ibid., pp. 15-26.
*Cani (Alket) : [Saint-John Perse] : Night = Nokturn, ibid., pp. 105-106.
*WODNICKI (Adam) : [Saint-John Perse] : Night = Nokturn, Drought = Susza, Literatura na Swiecie, Warsaw, 4, 2001, pp. 137-148 [facsimiles of manuscripts Nocturne][Polish translation].
*JENSEN (Kjell Olaf) : [Saint-John Perse] : [Rain VIII], Caribbean says, Caribbean stories, [S.L.], Today Boker, pp. 288-289 [Norwegian translation].
*Cani (Alket) : [Saint-John Perse] : Poetry = Poezi. Tirana : Aferdita, 2001, pp. 109-117 [Albanian translation].
*WODNICKI (Adam) : [Saint-John Perse] : Reciting the praise of Queen = Recytacja did Czesc Krolowej, Amitié du Prince Prince = Friendship, History of Regent = Historia Regenta, Presumptive song = Piosenka Pretendenta, Literatura na Swiecie, Warsaw, 4, 2001, pp. 127-136, ill. [Polish translation].
Publications of the Saint-John Perse Foundation :
Review :
*SAINT JOHN PERSE BOOKS, No. 15, Fondation Saint-John Perse - Gallimard, (2001), 364 p. ill. [The Journal of the NRF].
RIGOLOT (Carol) [eds.] : Mail exile : Saint-John Perse and his American friends 1940-1970.
CLEAC’H-CHESNOT (Corinne) : Bibliography 1999. First bibliography 2000. Doctoral Theses in progress.
Monographs devoted to Saint-John Perse :
*MAYAUX (Catherine) [you. of pub.] : Modern Saint-John Perse ?, Proceedings of the conference of Besançon 14, 15 and 16 mai 1998, Besançon, Presses Universitaires Franche-Comté, 2001, 458 p. ill. (Littéraires Annales de l'Université de Franchet-Comte.)
Pp. 14-25, WORONOFF (Michel) : "Saint-John Perse, lyricism and pageantry of Greco-Latin ".
Pp. 28-44, CHEHAB (May) : "" Anabasis " : antiquity and modernity ".
Pp. 46-63, ALEXANDRE BERGUES (Pascale) : "Claudel and Saint-John Perse Greek translators".
Pp. 66-97, THIÉBAUT (Claude) : "The Discovery of modernity by Alexis Leger".
Pp. 100-109, GUILLOT (Augustin) : "L'Apocalypse saddle Saint John».
Pp. 114-122, Preta-DE BEAUFORT (Aude) : «“Transgression divine” ("Amers" (Seamarks)) : Poetry, erotic spirituality in Saint-John Perse ".
Pp. 124-136, LLOZE (Evelyn) : "Liturgy and sensitive man : some Persians tropisms of contemporary poetry ".
Pp. 138-152, CASTIN (Nicolas) : "Figures Wind : modernities landscape Persien ".
Pp. 154-161, VENTRESQUE (Renée) : "Saint-John Perse : Praise hand ".
Pp. 164-172, BURGOS (John) : "About" Drought " : Note the last poetic Saint-John Perse ".
Pp. 174-187, ALEXANDRE (Didier) : "The scientific reference in the poetry of Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 190-202, RIGOLOT (Carol) : "The Autobiography of Saint-John Perse : an epic modern ".
Pp. 204-217, Kassab-Charfi (Samia) : "Contributions to a poetics of" Letters of Asia "Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 220-234, Viprey (Jean-Marie) : "Elements of the dynamics of" Stockholm Statement '".
Pp. 238-249, PONTY (Janine) : "The Other Face of Janus : Alexis Leger Diplomat ".
Pp. 252-264, CAMELIN (Colette) : "The" Complete Works "of Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 266-282, MAYAUX (Catherine) : "Saint-John Perse and contemporary poets".
Pp. 284-305, LIMAT-LETELLIER (Nathalie) : "Aragon Drive Saint-John Perse, Saint-John Perse reader Aragon ".
Pp. 308-318, MICHEL (Jacqueline) : "When Claude Roy converse with Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 320-333, SHOE (Catherine) : "Within two looks that Tortel ... Jean and Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 338-349, LEVILLAIN (Henriette) : "Can we be without modern new ?».
Pp. 352-362, SACOTTE (Mireille) : "Some contemporary uses of text by Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 364-375, GALLAGHER (Mary) : "Saint-John Perse : Creole, So modern ?».
Pp. 378-388, MIGUET-Ollagnier (Marie) : "Comparative Reading" Vents "Saint-John Perse and" The Elegy of winds "of Leopold Sedar Senghor".
Pp. 390-399, DEBON (Claude) : "Lorand Gaspar and Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 402-413, RADHOUANE (Nabil) : "Adonis descendant of Saint-John Perse".
Pp. 416-428, LONGHI (Maria Giula) : "Reading a poet by his translator : Romeo Lucchese et Saint-John Perse ".
Pp. 430-436, DEGOTT (Bertrand) : "The Reception of Saint-John Perse in textbooks".
*RIGOLOT (Carol) : Forged Genealogies, Saint-John Perse’s conversations with culture, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2001, 264 p. ill. (North Carolina studies in the Romance Languages & Literatures, 271.)
Theses and dissertations devoted to Saint-John Perse :
*CREATED (Marc) : Insects in Saint-John Perse, Thesis, University of Provence, 2001, 94 p. ill.
*HÉRIARD DUBREUIL (Emmanuelle) : A Certain idea of France, Alexis Leger’s views during the occupation of France june 1940 — august 1944, Masters dissertation, History of International Relations, London School of Economics, 2001, 38 p.
Lastennet (Stone) : Saint-John Perse and the Sacred, Doctoral thesis, University of London, 2001.
*TAÏLAMÉ (Steeve) : Chant for Equinox : poetics threshold, Thesis, University of Provence, 2001, 146 p.
*VAN DER MEULEN (Dawn) : Saint-John Perse, Roger Caillois and Rabindranath Tagore, poetic celebration of the world, Thesis, University of Tours, 2001, 78 p.
Studies and articles on Saint-John Perse :
CAMELIN (Colette) : "The Riddles of Saint-John Perse", University of Poitiers, March 2001 [communication] [The Enigma Symposium, 15-17 March 2001] [novel].
CAMELIN (Colette) : "The Challenges of fiction in the biography and correspondence Saint-John Perse was developed for editing the Pléiade", University of Poitiers, 10 March 2001 [communication] [seminar ADONI] [novel].
CAMELIN (Colette) : "Genetic Study of a poem by Saint-John Perse Winds, II, I : the use of word lists in the development of the poem ", IUFM de Reims, 3 mai 2001 [communication] [workshop on genetics texts] [novel].
*CLEAC’H-CHESNOT (Corinne) : "The Saint-John Perse Foundation in Aix-en-Provence" in Newsletter, Federation houses writer & the literary heritage, 6, th 2001, pp. 7-10 ill.
*CLERC (Gabrielle) : "Saint-John Perse or poetry as sacred act" in Art and Poetry, janvier 2001, pp. 53-56.
*ELBAZ (Shlomo) : «T. S. Eliot seen and corrected by Saint-John Perse (about a poetic translation)"In Poetry and Art, Haifa, 3, 2001, pp. 74-97 (Publication of the Centre for Research on Contemporary Poetry from the University of Haifa) [1ed era. 1979 Questions in poetic, the work of the text, seminar 1979, Words and knowledge in the work of Saint-John Perse, Aix - Paris, University of Provence - Champion, 1979, pp. 129-150].
LEVILLAIN (Henriette) : "1939 Quai d'Orsay : Alexis Leger vs Saint-John Perse "in 1939 in Literature and the Arts, mixtures offered to Yves Chevrel, Paris, PUF, 2001 (Writing.)
LITTLE (Marie-Noëlle) : «It is the same land : Poetry and Diplomacy for Dag Hammarskjöld and Alexis Leger», Uppsala, 7 september 2001 [communication] [colloque international Dag Hammarskjöld and the 21st Century] [novel].
LITTLE (Marie-Noëlle) : «Letters written, read and translated : The Correspondance of Dag Hammarskjöld and Alexis Leger», Uppsala, 8 september 2001 [communication] [colloque international Dag Hammarskjöld and the 21st Century] [novel].
*LITTLE (Marie-Noëlle) : «Travellers in two worlds : Dag Hammarskjöld and Alexis Leger "in Development Dialogue, Uppsala, 1, 2001, pp. 60-79 ill. (Publication of the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation) [numéro spécial Dag Hammarskjöld and the 21st Century].
MAYAUX (Catherine) : "Victor Segalen and Saint-John Perse : readings cross "in Cahiers Victor Segalen, 7, 2001, pp. 77-83 [Special Issue Writers, painters, musicians, Segalen and those of his time] [conference proceedings, Bibliothèque nationale de France, 16-17 December 1999 ].
*SACOTTE (Mireille) : "Saint-John Perse, 1887-1975"In Dictionary of the poetry of Baudelaire to the present day, Paris, PUF, 2001, pp. 738-743 [directed by Michel Jarrety].
*SACOTTE (Mireille) : "The eyes of the Chinese (and read what Pierre Loti, Victor Segalen, Alexis Leger)"The Writers in French twentieth century and China, Proceedings of the symposium 5 th 1999 in Nanjing, Arras, University Press of Artois, 2001, pp. 80-90 (Letters and foreign civilizations) [ed. by Christian Morzewski and Quian Linsen] [published simultaneously in Chinese Nanjing University Presses].
*URIAN (Judith) : "Anatomy of the Word-who-is-made-flesh in the work of Saint-John Perse face tropology Eliot and Claudel" in graph, 10, 2001, pp. 182-198 (Publication Research Centre Lectures writing at the University of Lille 3) [special issue Prologue of John].
URIAN (Judith) : "The Poet and his double, interpretative phenomenological study traces the poetic discourse of St. John Perse », Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry, 8 June 2001 [communication] [doctoral colloquium How invents his speech interpreter].
*URIAN (Judith) : "Translation : interpretation or rewriting ?», Haifa, Centre for Research on Contemporary Poetry from the University, 1 May 2001, 4 p. [communication] [Translation of poetry symposium] [novel].
Works partly devoted to Saint-John Perse :
*CHANCEL (Jacques) [eds.] : Memory of ink, the 365 plus belles pages de la littérature française (I extracted Anabasis, Snow IV extract), Paris, Editions 1 — France Inter, 2001, pp. 16-17, 64-65.
*CLERGUE (Lucien) [Pref. by Gilles Mora] : Arena, signs sands ("Amers, Invocation, 6 », "Amers, strophe IX, 3, 2 "Extracts), Arles, Actes Sud, 2001, 140 p. ill. [photo album].
ERASMUS (Didier) [trad., ed. and pref. Jean-Claude Margolin and Alexander Vanantgaerden] : Erasmus of Rotterdam, age, Brussels, Purloined Letter, 2001, 220 p. (Notulae Erasmianae) [ed. bilingual] [ed. Carmen alpine poem Poem of age or accompanied by texts by other authors on the same topic].
HOUDE (Nicole) : Birds of Saint-John Perse, Saint-Laurent, Library québecoise, 2001, 214 p. [roman] [reprint].
*ORMESSON (Jean d ') [eds.] : Une Autre History de la littérature française, poetry at the dawn of the twentieth century ("Inventory and celebration of the world", Amers (Seamarks) strophe III extrait), Paris, Librio, 2001, pp. 111-120.
RÉMY (Jean Pierre) [eds.] : Treasures and secrets of the Quai d'Orsay, Paris, Lattes, 2001, 1074 p. ill.
Verlomme (Hugo) : Hundred pages of waves, Urugne, Peppers, 2001, 100 p. ill.