Price Poésie21, 2019
For this fourth edition of the poetry prize Lucienne Gracia-Vincent becomes the price Poésie21.
The price Poésie21 is awarded, every year, in autumn, dans la Bibliothèque Méjanes d’Aix-en-Provence.
It aims to promote poetic creation, musical or pictorial whose artistic form, libre, is unique to realize a world under the influence of Beauty and calls for reflection on the creative act.

Created in 2016, two years after the death of the poet Lucienne Gracia-Vincent, the price Poésie21 is resolutely turned towards the twenty-first century, and wants his name. He wants to say that this century is able to bring out what inspired poets deep in their sensitivity and imagination, and invites them to naturally move away from the shore of the previous century. This opens is always accepting perspective.
The price Poésie21 is to hope that poetry is one of the most heard words of a century already begun, and that it be a refuge and found adequate means to express. That means these new or borrow from other eras, the themes are changing or are incommensurate, it is too early to say but it is the price to present this issue to the poets contributing to price Poésie21.
Lucienne Gracia-Vincent Born in El Biar (Algiers) the 31 janvier 1923. father of orphan, she enters 16 years at the Ecole Normale, is sent stationed in different schools of Algiers. In 1957, she moved with her husband to France. She died in Aix-en-Provence, surrounded by her family, the 27 November 2014.
Various collections of poetry punctuate his poetic career : awards and honors were able to recognize the value.
The themes inspired his poetry are related to the intensity of lived experiences she judged fundamental : the homeland, l’enfance, meetings, Mediterranean Travel, it was, the strength to exist.
Partial blindness, in the last ten years of his life, gave him the opportunity to show memorization gifts at the service of his creation. It consisted of head sonnets that appeared to him in their whole form and transcribed it, in the morning, his beautiful writing become hesitant.
His poetry aims to be a driving force to create good, against all odds, in absolute confidence in the power of poetry to draw a sensitive configuration and universal abstract.