Annotated catalog of the fund Greece

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A. Textbooks and university Greek Alexis Leger.
B. Reference books and articles in whole or in part to Greece.
1. Common and grammar
2. Ancient Greece
3. Modern Greece
C. Iconographic and photographic.

Bibliography on the subject at end of article.

Paramount is the place that Greece in the work of Saint-John Perse : d’Praise at Nocturne, designated or hidden, it exceeds the status of a cultural. En effet, recourse to Greece illuminates an obscure text known, while serving options modernity

Therefore, we can not be surprised that the poet's library, preserved almost in its entirety to the Saint-John Perse Foundation, is particularly rich in works, articles, photographic documents, etc., Referring near or far, in totalité or partie, Greece to yesterday and today.

In the apparent chaos of a library hides the isotopy interest Founder.

This catalog Fund "Greece" offers researchers to reconstruct the major themes.

A. Textbooks and university Greek Alexis Leger.

Except textbooks came to the Foundation, it is very difficult to know in detail what were the textbooks of Greek Alexis Leger : National Archives, records of the Royal College of Pau, Imperial College became, High School and Pau, stop in 1879 (T Series, F17 7938-7947).

The following list, although reduced, may nevertheless be virtually completed by crossing two specific sources : firstly Issue devoted to the Greek Emmanuelle Collection Textbooks in France 1789 our days, published in 1987 by the National Institute of Educational Research, other official content of curricula – programs – under Greek studies (ie orders of 28 janvier 1890 and 31 mai 1902).

References to texts with annotations are preceded by an asterisk, and when these two annotations are important. The record is most often complemented by a comment bracketed rights.

*BOIRAC Émile, Cours élémentaire de Philosophie, Félix Alcan, 8e édition revue, Paris, 1895, 608 p.

[<cote Fondation 107 BOI c>. Hommage de l’auteur + signature ill.
The book is by author, "Conforms to the latest programs, tracking the history of philosophy and dissertations topics given in the Faculty of Letters of Paris notions ". So it would be a book rather for young students and high school students. This reading does it fit in the Leger expressed interest in philosophy in his letter to Monod October 1906 ? (OC, p. 646-647). The work must not have been dedicated to the intention of Leger. Other publications by the same author, it is, Esperanto : Monadologio (trad. de Leibniz). It is tempting to infer a passing interest Leger for this language and make a connection with his statement "It is not for me to write international" in his acceptance speech of the Grand Prix National des Lettres in 1959 (OC, p. 572).
The only biography of Emile Boirac is in Encyclopedia Universal Ilustrada. EuropeoAmericana, t. VIII, Barcelona (s.d.), p. 1361. On Greek philosophy, some are annotated pages, including P.. 398 (on skepticism), 464-465 (Aristotle and movement), 474 (pantheism) and 527 (cornea page, of Stoic morality)]

CHASSANG A., Dictionnaire Grec-Français, Garnier Frères, Paris, [s. d.].

[<cote Fondation 483.2 CHA>. Porte la mention « Alexis Leger Pau, 06 ».
In 1906, Leger is already a student and deepens what he calls his Hellenism, Pau just : see letter to Monod October 1906 (OC, p. 646-647)]

*CROISET A. et PETITJEAN J., Abrégé de grammaire grecque, Librairie Hachette et Cie, Paris, 1897.

[<cote Fondation 485 CRO>.
Book clearly studied in class, according to the annotations that denote an even school level knowledge of Greek. Selon Alain Choppin, author of the introduction to the repertoire of Greek textbooks (coll. Emmanuelle), it comes with "certainty" of a school book (p. 11 and 115, Catalogue No. 665). Moreover, it bears the note 'program of secondary education 28.01.1890 »]

*EGGER Max, Histoire de la littérature grecque, 5e éd., Librairie classique Paul Delaplane, Paris, 1892.

[<cote Fondation 880 EGG>.
Choppin given to this book (EGGER now) a "strong presumption" of belonging to the category of textbooks (p. 11 and 114, Catalogue No. 655). It would meet the requirement to study the history of Greek literature from the second class, defined both in the order of 1890 than in 1902. It is therefore likely that in this book Leger found a first presentation of Greek authors, accompanied by the author of a bibliographical section "especially for students and professors of the Faculties of Secondary Education" (p. XII of the Warning), making it a reference book for years post-baccalaureate also.
A relative dating of annotations is possible here that the bibliography p. 112 sur Pindare, and annotated by Leger, is much less elaborate than Monod requested in the letter of July 1909, which also confirm the general character of this book]

**ÉPICTÈTE, Manuel, trad. française par François Thurot, accompagnée d’une introduction, revue par Charles Thurot, Hachette, Paris, 1889.

[<cote Fondation 188 EPI m>.
Mention « Alexis Léger [sic] 1905 ».
Introduction Annotated very, apparently by another hand than Leger, unlike the annotations on the title page of writing easily due to Leger. The fact that the book was well baccalaureate program new regime 1902 (year 1904 for A. Army), under philosophy books, and the acute accent "Light" already seems incongruous, it is possible that the entire reference was added by someone else (a sister ?).
Leger will soon be a personal opinion of the school of practical philosophy of Stoicism, he recuse in May 1906. See in this regard the letter of May Monod 1906, OC, p. 643-646 and that Claudel August 1 1949, OC, p. 1016-1018]

*EURIPIDE, Alceste, trad. et annotée par F. de Parnajon, Hachette, 1892.

[<cote Fondation 880 EUR A>. p. 18 cornée.
The satirical drama of Euripides has been studied by A. Leger in highschool, accordance with program 28 Jan. 1890. Otherwise, pages with the drama of Alceste in EGGER are denoted by A. L., p. 184-188]

**HOMÈRE, L’Odyssée, Chant VI, éd. par Pierron, Hachette, 1894.

[<cote Fondation 880 HOM o>.
The Odyssey is on the agenda of the ninth grade and Rhetoric (under "deepening"), it is likely that the Canto VI has been studied in third A. L., in 1900-1901 then, that would confirm the immature writing annotations. Only the Greek text is annotated]

**PINDARE, Les Pythiques, série « Les Auteurs Grecs », trad. et annotées par E. Sommer, Hachette, Paris, 1887.

[<cote Fondation 880 PIN p>.
Educational publishing, with trad. interlinear ; p. 47, 50, 253-258 : horny.
Metric provision to this edition is not the Alexandrian colorimetrically distribution outlet that Saint-John Perse, as he told Monod in July 1909 (OC, p. 659) and Claudel 10 June 1911 (OC, p. 722).
The Greek text of this edition is edited by Theobald Fix, which explains the image correcting it in the eyes of Leger : see in this respect the letter Leger Gide (OC,
p. 772). However, the Pythian have not been studied at school, but after the baccalaureate, from 1904-1905, after his Biography, perhaps a little later actually.
The whole work, Only two words are underlined in the Greek text, even those that Leger cites Claudel in his letter of 29 mai 1911 (OC, p. 720), praising their beauty "words enemies" : "Kataojcsjmenod &§ If ripai [Antistr. I] 3 ». (in the original Greek text, terms are interchanged).
The footnote No. 3 the letter refers to Claudel comment added by Saint-John Perse in the establishment of the Pléiade edition of (OC, p. 1215). He gives the translation of Greek terms : "" Held "by your" pulse " (Ode to Hiero Etna, verse 1-9, 10) ». This translation is the educational publishing presented here (p. 8-9), which is further evidence that this edition has been the basis of work Leger for his translations, as already said Françoise HENRY, Saint-Leger Leger translator of Pindar, Gallimard, p. 16, No. 30 ; see also p. 76, No. 16-17]

*PLATON, Apologie de Socrate, série « Les Auteurs Grecs », deux trad. françaises, Thurot et Materne, Hachette, Paris, 1894.

[<cote Fondation 184 PLA a>.
Annotations are the Greek text and the corresponding French text.
Work program of the second class in accordance with the order of 28 Jan. 1890. Studied in A. Leger en 1901-1902]

*PLATON, Criton, texte grec accompagné d’une introduction, d’un argument, série « Les Auteurs Grecs », deux traductions françaises (juxtalinéaire et correcte) par Ch. Waddington, Hachette, Paris, 1890.

[<cote Fondation 184 PLA c>.
Mention "Alexis Leger, Pau, mai 1905 » : at that time, A. L. Bachelor is already.
Given the date and the fact that Crito was not high school curriculum Leger, can be reasonably assumed that reading was made on the occasion of course freely taken at the University of Bordeaux, especially as Professor Georges Rodier, repeatedly mentioned by Saint-John Perse, dispense a course on Plato 1904-1905, under the Courses and Conferences University]

*SOPHOCLE, Œdipe à Colone, tragédie expliquée et annotée par Benloew, trad. par Bellaguet, Hachette, Paris, 1873.

[<cote Fondation 880 SOP o>.
The work had to be studied in class first (1902-1903), in implementation of the program of 31 mai 1902]

B. Reference books and articles in whole or in part to Greece.

1. Common and grammar

CHASSANG A., Dictionnaire Grec-Français, Garnier Frères, [s. d.].

[<cote Fondation 483.2 CHA>.
Porte la mention « Alexis Leger Pau, 06 »]

*CROISET A. et PETITJEAN J., Abrégé de grammaire grecque, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1897.

[<cote Fondation 485 CRO>].

**MAQUET Charles, Dictionnaire analogique, Larousse, 1936.

[<cote Fondation 443.1 MAQ 1936>].

2. Ancient Greece

BEAUFRET Jean, « Héraclite et Parménide », Botteghe Oscure, XXV, Spring 1960, Roma, p. 15-30.

[<Fonds Revue>.
The traditional interpretation of Heraclitus as a philosopher is to be J. B. a contresens historique. He says the Heraclitean doctrine of permanence in a fight where opposites clash elements].

**BÉGUIN Albert, L’âme romantique et le rêve, 2 tomes, éd. Cahiers du Sud, Marseille, 1937.

[<cote Fondation 809.9 BEG>.
Le T. II n’est pas annoté]

*BERTHELOT André, L’Asie ancienne, centrale et sud-orientale d’après Ptolémée, Payot, Bibliothèque géographique, Paris, 1930.

[<cote Fondation ASI 913.04 BER>. P. 137-144, 221-224, 265-352, 371-401 : non coupées]

*BOIRAC Émile, Cours élémentaire de Philosophie, Félix Alcan, Paris, 1895.

[<cote Fondation 107 BOI c>.
Hommage de l’auteur + signature. Publication en esperanto : Monadologio (trad. de Leibniz)]

**BOLLACK Jean, Empédocle, I, Introduction à l’ancienne physique, éd. de Minuit, Paris, 1965.

[<cote Fondation 182 EMP B>. Dédicacé, 17 juillet 1965.
The flight. II (The origins : Critical edition 1969, XXIV + 304 p.) and III (The origins. Comments 1 and 2, 1969, 305 and 683 p.) are not part of the library of the poet. Volume I was sent by the author in July 1965. It was extremely annotated by the poet. Curiously, there is a second copy of the same work, also extremely annotated : it is between 1971 and 1974, according Mireille Sacotte, that Saint-John Perse asked him to provide theEmpedocles de Bollack. This request is due or because he thought he had lost the volume sent, or because he was in a country other than that in which the work in question was. Volume I focuses on the testimony of Aristotle and restores the physical Empedocles from the fragments and testimonies, proposing a new classification and numbering]

*BOLLACK Jean et WISMANN Heinz, Héraclite ou la séparation, éd. de Minuit, Paris, 1972.

[<cote Fondation 182 HER B>.
Posted by J. B. the poet. Greek text, trad. and commentary on the fragments of Heraclitus, including dubia and falsa]

BULFINCH Thomas, Mythology. The age of fable. The age of chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne, The Modern Library, [1960]

[<cote Fondation 291 BUL m>].

**CHARPIER Jacques et SEGHERS Pierre, L’art Poétique, éd. Seghers, 1956.

[<cote Fondation SJP ANT 69>.
P. 28-29 : Platon, p. 30-40 : Aristote, p. 81-87 : Pindare, Théocrite, Callimaque,
p. 412-413 : Moréas]

DARANTIÈRE Maurice, Le Banquet de Platon, Éditions du Raisin, Paris, 1935.

[<cote Fondation 184 PLA B>.
Dédicacé, « août 1935 ». Darantière est l’imprimeur]

« De la poésie comme exercice spirituel », Fontaine, n° spécial, mars-avril 1942.

[<Fonds Revues>.
Sur la Grèce : p. 71, 73-75, 108]

*EGGER Max, Histoire de la littérature grecque, 5e éd., Librairie classique Paul Delaplane, Paris, 1892.

[<cote Fondation 880 EGG>].

*EMPÉDOCLE D’AGRIGENTE, « De la nature », trad. Yves Battistini, Botteghe Oscure, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Roma, 1952, p. 7-31.

[<cote Fondation 182 EMP Bo>.
Seules p. annotées sur 479 p. crayon à papier et crayon rouge]

**ÉPICTÈTE, Manuel, trad. française par François Thurot accompagnée d’une introduction, revue par Charles Thurot, Hachette, Paris, 1889.

[<cote Fondation 188 EPI m.
Mention « Alexis Leger [sic] 1905 ». Introduction très annotée]

*EURIPIDE, Alceste, trad. et annotée par F. de Parnajon, Hachette, 1892.

[<cote Fondation 880 EUR a>.
P. 18 cornée]

FLACELIÈRE Robert, « Controverses autour des oracles », Cahiers du Sud, n° 370, 49e année, 1963, p. 410-434.

[<Fonds Revues>]

GLOTZ Gustave, La civilisation égéenne, La Renaissance du Livre, coll. L’évolution de l’humanité, Paris, 1923.

[<cote Fondation 938.01 GLO>.
Coupé, sauf table des matières et index]

GLOTZ Gustave, La cité grecque, La Renaissance du Livre, coll. L’évolution de l’humanité, Paris, 1928.

[<cote Fondation 938.01/08 GLO>.
Non coupé]

GUERRE Pierre, « Le Troisième Apollon », Cahiers du Sud, n° 370, 49e année, 1963,
p. 323-325.

[<Fonds Revues>]

HÉRODOTE, Histoire, en 2 tomes, trad. Larcher, Charpentier libraire-éditeur, 1855.

[<cote Fondation 907.2 HER h>]. Tome I, 455 p., T. II, 408 p.
T. I includes Editor review, Map of the History of H., the life of H. by Larcher, Book I : Clio. Book II : Euterpe. Book III : Thalia. Livre IV : Melpomene. Book V : Terpsichore.
T. Book II includes VI : Erato. Book VII : Polymnie. Book VIII : Urania. Book IX : Calliope. Life Homer attributed to H., Canon chronological H. Perhaps a family book.

HÉRODOTE, Morceaux choisis, trad. française par P. Giguet, avec le texte grec et des notes, Hachette, Paris, 1882.

[<cote Fondation 938 HER m>.
Not listed in Textbooks in France 1789 our days]

*HOMER, The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, Anchor Books, Doubleday & Co, Inc., Garden City, New York, 1963.

[<cote Fondation 880 HOM o>.
Dedicated to Alexis Leger and Leger Dorothy, after visiting the translator Giens performed in November 1966]

**HOMÈRE, L’Odyssée, Chant VI, éd. par Pierron, Hachette, 1894.

[<cote Fondation 880 HOM o>.
The Odyssey is on the agenda of the ninth grade and Rhetoric (under "deepening"), it is likely that the Canto VI was studied in third A. L., in 1900-1901. Only the Greek text is annotated]

HOMÈRE, Iliade, trad. par Leconte de Lisle, Alphonse Lemerre, Paris, [1867].

[<cote Fondation 880 HOM i>. Mention ms « Alexis Leger, févr. 04 ».
With his translation of Homer, Leconte de Lisle "inaugurates the era literal translations" (Didier Pralon). A. L. may have purchased this translation under the influence of F. Jammes, which tasted especially]

HOMÈRE, Odyssée, trad. par Leconte de Lisle, Alphonse Lemerre, Paris, [s. d.].

[<cote Fondation 880 HOM o>.
Mention ms « Alexis Leger, févr. 04 »]

**HOWITT William, The history of the supernatural, 2 vol., J. B. Lippincott and Co, Philadelphia, 1863.

[<cote Fondation 291 HOW h>.
Very annotated, pencil especially, but blue or red pencil, black ink.
T. I : On Greece : passim, p. 23 (cornea and ann.) ; chap. XIV : The supernatural in Ancient Greece, p. 332-369 ; chap. XIX : Supernaturalism of the neo-platonists,
p. 469-483, highly annotated. A. L. stops annotate T. II from p. 84]

JARDÉ A., La formation du peuple grec, La Renaissance du Livre, coll. L’évolution de l’humanité, Paris, 1923.

[<cote Fondation 938. 01/08 JAR>].

*JOUAN François, Euripide et les Légendes des Chants Cypriens : des origines de la Guerre de Troie à l’Iliade, Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1966.

[<cote Fondation 880 EUR>. Dédicacé.
Sent to the poet through the painter André Girard, brother of the author. See the copy of the letter sent by F. J. à May Chehab, deposited at the Saint-John Perse Foundation, and the entry "Mariani", infra]

*Journal Asiatique, Recueil de Mémoires et Notices relatifs aux études orientales,
T. CCVIII, n° 1, janvier-mars 1926, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, Paris, 1926.

[<cote Fondation ASI 306.02 JA 1926 CCVIII>.
Chap. IV : Le monde austroasiatique et la Grèce, p. 36-48]

*KRAKOWSKI Édouard, L’esthétique de Plotin et son influence : une philosophie de l’amour et de la beauté, éd. de Broccard, Paris, 1929.

[<cote Fondation 186 PLO k>.
The dedicated 15 nov. 1929 by the Polish diplomat, Secretary General of the Franco-Polish Parliamentary Group. Pages 75-103, 129-208, 221-224, 241-248 : uncut]

**LATTIMORE Richmond, The Odes of Pindar, The University of Chicago Press, 1947.

[<cote Fondation 880 PIN o>].

*[LESAGE A.-R.], Lettres galantes d’Aristénète, trad. du grec, À Rotterdam, chez Daniel de Graffe Marchand Libraire, 1695.

[<cote Fondation 880 AVR l>.
Reproduction by photomechanical process of the first book of Alain-René Lesage, reflecting, by supplementing, the fragmentary text of the Greek sophist Aristaenetus]

**LUM Peter, The Stars in our Heaven, Pantheon Books, New York, 1948.

[<cote Fondation 133.5/521.5 LUM>. + coupures de journaux.
Stellar nomenclature follows almost exclusively that of Ancient Greece], 1362-1474 Greek text. The only French translation was available until the F. D. Dehèque, Durand / Klincksieck, Paris, 1853]

*LYCOPHRON, « Alexandra », trad. par Paul Quignard, L’Ephémère, éd. de la Fondation Maeght, automne 1970, n° 15, p. 226-262.

[<Fonds Revues>.
This is the "dark poem" of Greek literature, in the tradition of Pindar, Heraclitus and Aeschylus. Extracts corresponding to the 1-372, 1099-1119]

MARIANI Jean, Héraclite d’Ephèse, Lipton, coll. Contraste, Princeton, 1949.

[<cote Fondation 182 HER m>.
Rare. Trad. copied and illustrated in silk, drawn by hand 50 copies.
Copy No 11. I was able to locate a copy 23 Rosenwald Collection at the Library of Congress in Washington. The copy 11 is "reworked specifically for Alexis Leger […] "A by illustrator. Girard, brother of Francis Jouan ; see comments on the entry "Jouan", supra]

MARKALE Jean, « Delphes et l’aventure celtique », Cahiers du Sud, n° 370, 49e année, 1963, p. 326-363.

[<Fonds Revues>.
On back, ann. red ink caps : DELPHI CELTIC. By cons, the text itself is not annotated]

MURRAY Gilbert, A History of Ancien Greek Literature, D. Appleton and Co, New York, 1906.

[<cote Fondation 880 MUR h>.
A appartenu, from 1913, à Katherine Biddle, en littérature Katherine Garrison Chapin. The annotations are likely to post 1940, date of the first meeting between Saint-John Perse and K. B. (OC, p. 1245), but the work could be transferred to the poet's sister K. Biddle, Marguerite Caetani – Princesse Bassiano – founder of the journal Commerce, he knew from 1923 at least]

*NELLI René, Lumière du Graal, Cahiers du Sud, Marseille, 1951.

[<cote Fondation 840.1 GRA cs>.
Origin : donation Auchincloss. The Greek origin of the Grail, p. 22, 80]

*NIETZSCHE Friedrich, La naissance de la philosophie à l’époque de la tragédie grecque, Gallimard, Paris, 1938, 184 p.

[<cote Fondation 193 NIE n>.
Collection of texts, testing and fragments that have been collected under the title of a book that N. drafted but never published. Positions are known : the bold and free path opened by the authentic pre-Socratic philosophy is blurred by the Socratic rationalism and moralism (PACKAGE et al., p. 116 No. 252)]

*NIETZSCHE Friedrich, La volonté de puissance, Paris, Mercure de France, édité par Henri Albert, préfacé par Elisabeth Foerster-Nietzsche, 2 tomes, 1909.

[<cote Fondation 193 NIE v>.
It is tendentious collection of texts, testing and fragments that Nietzsche's sister has collected under the title The Will to Power]

**OTTO Walter F., Dionysos : le mythe et le culte, Mercure de France, Paris, 1969.

[<cote Fondation 292.08 OTT d>.
Dedication translator Patrick Levy, (s. d.)]

PÉPIN Jean, « Actualité de Philon d’Alexandrie », Le Monde, 1er avril 1967, p. 11.

[Early (1911), A. L. interested in Philo of Alexandria, or Philo the Jew (OC, p. XVI et 690) that, around 1900, been "two theses remarkable" : that of Edouard Herriot and that of Emile Bréhier (J. P.). Saint-John Perse known since 1929 at least the existence of the thesis Herriot to have annotated the reference in the book E. KRAKOWSKI the sur comprehensive, p. 40
No. 2]

*PÉRET Benjamin, Anthologie de l’amour sublime, Albin Michel, Paris, 1956.

[<cote Fondation SJP ANT 46>.
Three clippings were Inserts, one on Herriot : see comment on this name and that of Pepin in the previous record]

**PINDARE, Les Pythiques, série « Les Auteurs Grecs », trad. et annotées par
E. Sommer, Hachette, Paris, 1887.

[<cote Fondation 880 PIN p>.
Educational publishing, with trad. interlinear and metric available to : this is not the Alexandrian colorimetrically distribution outlet that SJP ; p. 47, 50, 253-258 : horny]

*PINDARE, Pindari carmina, Cum versione latina et notis. A. Chr. Gottl. Hayne. Dronii : typis et sumptu N. Bliss, Londini : E. C. et J. Rivington, Longmon, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Browne et R. Priestley, 1815.

[<cote Fondation 880 PIN c>.
On the cover page, mention ms ink "A. Army, 08 », and copy ms pencil côla the first verse of the twelfth Pythian :

Fersefonas edos,
A t ochthais on milovotou
naieis Akragantos ED-
dmaton Cologne, Ohm per!

Translation :

Residence of Persephone,
who occupied the hill drawn
on the banks of the Acragas ;
O Mistress, show yourself conducive !

Extract copied by Leger with errors, it could be written from memory.]

*PLATON, Apologie de Socrate, série « Les Auteurs Grecs », deux trad. françaises, Thurot et Materne, Hachette, Paris, 1888.

[<cote Fondation 184 PLA a>.
Annotations are the Greek text and the corresponding French text]

*PLATON, Texte grec accompagné d’une introduction, d’un argument, série « Les Auteurs Grecs », deux trad. Ch. Waddington, Hachette, Paris, 1890.

[<cote Fondation 184 PLA c>.
Mention "Alexis Leger, Pau 1905 » : at that time, A. L. Bachelor is already]

PINDARE, t. II, Pythiques, texte établi et traduit par Aimé Puech, 1922, Les Belles Lettres, 1966, p. 168. POEMS FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY, translated by Dudley Fitts, New Directions Books, New York, 1938 [1941, 1956].

[<cote Fondation 881.08 GRE>]

*QUIGNARD Pascal, « Lycophron l’obscur », L’Éphémère, éd. de la Fondation Maeght, automne 1970, n° 15, p. 303-309.

[<Fonds Revues>]

*ROUGIER Louis, Celse ou le conflit de la civilisation antique et du christianisme primitif, éd. du siècle, coll. Les maîtres de la pensée antichrétienne, Paris, 1925, 442 p.

[<cote Fondation 272-37 ROU c>. Non coupé après p. 334]

SAPPHO, Poésies, suivies de différentes poésies dans le même genre, À Londres, MDCCLXXXI.

[<cote Fondation 881 SAP p >. Fonds ancien]

*SOPHOCLE, Œdipe à Colone, tragédie expliquée et annotée par Benloew, trad. par Bellaguet, Hachette, Paris, 1873.

[<cote Fondation 880 SOPH o>].

TOUCHARD Michel-Claude, L’archéologie mystérieuse, avec la collaboration de Guy Barthélémy, Bibliothèque de l’irrationnel, dir. par Louis Pauwels, 1972.

[<cote Fondation 909/130 TOU>.
Popular book : p. 96-100 : Santorini ; p. 100-102 : The palace under the ashes]

YOURCENAR Marguerite, « Animaux vus par un poète grec », La Revue de Paris,
77e année, févr. 1970, p. 7-11.

[<Fonds Revues>. Sur Oppien, Elien]

3. Modern Greece

*BALLARD Jean, « Le chemin de l’Inde ne passe-t-il pas par la Grèce ? », Cahiers du Sud, Introduction au n° de juin-juillet 1941, 28e année, p. 7

[<Fonds Revues>]

BON Antoine et CHAPOUTIER Fernand, En Grèce, éd. Paul Hartmann, 1932.

[<cote Fondation 914.95 GRE>. 118 photographies, tirage à 50 exemplaires,
ex. n° 35]

CASTEROPOULOS Constantin, Les Fleurs nouvelles, M. Leconte imprimeur-éditeur, Marseille, 1954.

[<cote Fondation 841 CAS f>. Non coupé]

*CAVAFIS, Cahiers du Sud, n° 338, 48e année, 1956.

[<Fonds Revues>.
On title page, single annotation : Poems of Cavafy (sic), Georges Sepheris (sic), marked with a cross and underlined. By cons, poems are not annotated]

*CAVAFY Constantin, Poèmes, présentation de Marguerite Yourcenar, trad. Marguerite Yourcenar et Constantin Dimaras, Gallimard, Poésie, 1958.

[<cote Fondation 889 CAV p>].

*ENZENSBERGER Hans Magnus, (éd.) Museum der modernen Poesie, 1960.

[<cote Fondation SJP ANT 15>. Signet à la page Séféris]

*GOBINEAU J. A. Comte de, Nouvelles asiatiques, Perrin, Paris, 1913.

[<cote Fondation 843 GOB n>. P. 44, 66, 350, cornées]

HERRIOT Edouard, Orient, Hachette, Paris, 1934.

[<cote Fondation 910.4 HER o>.
Pages cut 1 at 107, sur 418 p., that correspond to the chapters on Greece and Bulgaria (archaeological, Treaty of Lausanne). A newspaper clipping about Herriot, to which the young Seferis had guided visit to Greece, is inserted into the Anthology B. Péret, supra]

KAZANTZAKI Eleni, Le Dissident, Biographie de Nikos Kazantzaki, Plon, Paris, 1968.

[<cote Fondation 889. 9 KAZ>. Dédicacé]

*[PAPPAS Nikos], « Deux révélations : un poète, un photographe », poèmes trad. du grec par Gaston-Henry Aufrère, Planète, n° 8, janvier-février 1963, p. 107-113.

[<Fonds Revues>]

*SÉFÉRIS, Cahiers du Sud, n° 338, 48e année, 1956.

[<Fonds Revues>.
On title page, single annotation : Poems of Cavafy, Georges Sepheris (sic), marked with a cross and underlined. By cons, poems are not annotated]

*SÉFÉRIS, Cahiers du Sud, n° 375, 51e année, 1964, p. 127-131.

[<Fonds Revues>.
Special issue on the occasion of the Nobel Prize for Literature awarded in Seferis 1963. Only p. cut with those of M. Deguy. Corrections expression, translation]

SÉFÉRIS Georges, Poems, transl. from the Greek by Rex Warner, The Bodley Head, London, [1960].

[<cote Fondation 889 SEF>.
Dedicated "At Saint-John Perse, "Tribute to the divine vitality", London,
29 oct. 60 »]

*SÉFÉRIS Georges, « Poèmes », Mercure de France, mai 1963, p. 31-51.

[<Fonds Revues>]

*SÉFÉRIS Georges, Journal 1945-1951, trad. du grec par Lorand Gaspar, Mercure de France, 1963.

[<cote Fondation 889 SEF j>. Trombone, p. 87]

TOMBROS Henri, Les Nouveaux Cimetières, éd. Difros, Athènes, 1964.

[<cote Fondation 889 TOM>.
Card with "Tribute of the author", ed. Original No. 4. Only p. title are cut]

*T’SERSTEVENS A., Le périple des archipels grecs, Artaud, Paris, 1963.

[<cote Fondation 914.95 SER Grèce>.
Trombone p. 81-82 : digression on poetry, philosophy and music on Lesbos]

C. – Iconographic and photographic.

Folder "Cosmology", established by Saint-John Perse.

[DOC 523.1]

Folder "Europe", established by Saint-John Perse, subfolder "Greece".

[DOC 940 Europe (57).
On Greece : a single cut, journal The Times, sous la rubrique « Books of The Times », portant titre “The Glory that was Greece and some of the Gore”, by Thomas Lask.
Both books are presented :
1) The Pursuit of Greece, An Anthology, by Philipp Sherrard. Photographs by Dimitri, 291 pages, Walker, $ 8.95.
2) Exploration and Empire, by William H. Goetzmann, 656 pages, Button, $ 10, Harold Faber]

Folder "Documentation literary", established by Saint-John Perse, subfolder 76.
[1940 ( ? )

DOC LIT (76).
Clippings highlighted in blue or red pencil :
1) Under the title "Brilliant London : Attractions of a busy week » : mention of the opera Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauss.
2) Under the title "Music as a cure : discovery of scientist of Ancient Greece » : Theophrastus, the disciple of Aristotle, spoke of a passage in Plato […]. Theophrastus held that the « phrygian mode » played on the flute was the proper specific for the lumbago]

Iconographic 120 (5) : Painting on embossed paper. Landscape Mediterranean with monastery color.

Reproduction. [landscape of Armenia ? Mount Athos ?]

Iconographic 142 : Photography (detail) a sculpture.

Horsehead. [Chinese sculpture ? Greek ? With an extract ofPraises II, handwriting of the Princess of Bassiano]

Iconographic 148 : Pen drawing, black ink. Sign Pierrakos [1961].

[It is the Greek expressionist artist Alkis Pierrakos, born in 1920, who has lived in France 1954 at 1966]

Iconographic 149 : Pen drawing, black ink. Sign Pierrakos [1961].

Iconographic 150 : Gouache or watercolor "Mykonos", signed in pencil lower right Berr… Ben ou…[ ? ]

[Au crayon, bottom left : MYKONOΣ. Back : «The Diakosmitiki» (gallery name), Oreste Comninos (owner), 5, Winston Churchill Street, Athens (the current Avenue Stadium)]

Iconographic 155 : Color lithograph.

[Mats bottle green, "Athens", signed Baboulène. Offers par [ ? ] to D.[Jannes] L.[eger]. Pencil signed on the back by the artist and "Athens 26 seven ". Eugene Baboulène, Provençal painter, Born in Toulon 1905. The Leger had also another original lithograph in colors this artist (fonds icon. No. 226)]

Iconographic 159 : Photo, black and white reproduction. Head of a Woman, Antiquity. Statue on wooden base. Au two au crayon : 1716 – 2216.

Iconographic 183 : Engraving, dark brown frame, under glass. Top left :
"Philocles in Samos", J. Mrs. Moreau the Younger, 1784 – JJ the calf sculpture. In Pl. I voy. T. III p. 521.

Iconographic 258 : Sculpture en bronze d'Andras Beck «Nike», 1976. Former al. D. Army. Stand built into the sculpture with signature.

[New Acquisitions].

Photographic collection 13/225 : Postcard.

Straight : photographic reproduction of a sculpture of a girl half kneeling. Legend hand engraved on the negative : «Pedt. sculpture of Zeus temple. Girl. Olympics ».
To : Agfa. Circular buffer of the Archaeological Society of Athens. [Fragment of the east pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia]

Photographic collection 13/224 : Postcard.

Straight : photographic reproduction of a bas-relief depicting Athena leaning on his spear. Handwritten inscription on the negative "V. P. ».
To : "A photocopy. GKINAKOU, C.. MARGARITI. STOA SYNGROU 6 ATHENS-epistolary postcard- GREEK INDUSTRY – Post card – Carte Postale – Postcard – Universal Postal Union - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΑ – MADE IN GREECE » [s. d.].
["A photographic workshop. Ghinakos et G. Margaritis, 6, passage Syngrou, Athens, Greece. Postcard, Made in Greece ". The folds of the peplos of the goddess, slightly oblique, apparently ignorant of the laws of gravity, give an overall impression of movement. But it can not be photographs sent to A Frizeau. L. in his letter of 17 janvier 1908 that, they, were folded, as he is charged Leger in his letter of 5 avril 1908]

Photographic collection 13/222 : Postcard.

Straight : photographic reproduction of the pediment of Olympia : Battle of Centaurs and Lapiths of. Date added manually, probably by Saint-John Perse : « 11-4-33 ».
To : "A photocopy. GKINAKOU, C.. MARGARITI. STOA SYNGROU 6 ATHENS- Epistolary postcard- GREEK INDUSTRYPost card – Carte Postale – Postcard – Universal Postal Union – EΛΛHNIKH BIOMHXANIA – MADE IN GREECE» [s. d.].
["A photographic workshop. Ghinakos et G. Margaritis, 6, passage Syngrou, Athens, Greece. Postcard, Made in Greece ". This is the famous west pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, where violence Centaurs faces resistance Lapithae. as 460 of. J.-C. How the poet did he get this reproduction of a theme that was particularly fond ? see about this WAR (1989), p. 221]

Photographic collection 13/223 : Postcard.

Straight : photographic reproduction of a bas-relief depicting a woman sitting sidesaddle on a horse.
To : “PERGAMONMUSEUM, BERLIN. Südfries the Altar of Pergamon. Mondgöttin Selene - POSTKARTE ".
[South frieze of the Pergamon Altar. Moon Goddess Selene]


Lack of space, this inventory is limited to works, Articles and iconographic documents of the fund. It does not include references to the Greek world in the correspondence, published and unpublished, from / to / Saint-John Perse, or references to the Greek world of publishing Complete Works of the Pleiades, which are due to Saint-John Perse, neither the Index of proper names annotated Greek which was compiled. Only one instance convinced of the usefulness of the latter instrument : a researcher who wanted to study the influence of Plato on Saint-John Perse, for example, already know that his name was 6 Once spotted by the poet in The Aesthetics of Plotinus Edward Krakowski (1929), 11 Once in theEmpedocles I de Bollack (1965), 5 both the birth of philosophy at the time of the Greek tragedy of Fr. Nietzsche (1938). For the study of the Greek world in the work of Saint-John Perse is not over. While one should not overestimate the importance of positive traces of Greek readings of the poet - proof is, if it were, no less remarkable and significant absence of Plutarch or Parmenides, who fertilized Anabasis - They reveal the status of the reference, ambition of scholarship, re-creation of the ancient in modern, and contribute in this way to patiently untangle the web of implicit poetics of Saint-John Perse. This catalog can contribute to generate new discoveries in the way of understanding this.

May Chehab
University of Cyprus
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Greece Saint-John Perse


Greece on Saint-John Perse, see my thesis Saint-John Perse and Greece (1999), and the work of :
– Gilberte Aigrisse, Saint-John Perse et ses mythologies, éd. Imago, Paris, 1992 ;
– Michèle Aquien, L’autre versant du langage, José Corti, 1997 ;
– Paul-Laurent Assoun, « La philosophie de la nostalgie : Saint-John Perse, émule d’Empédocle et de Pindare », dans La Nostalgie, ouvr. coll. sur Éloges de Saint-John Perse, Ellipses, éd. Marketing, 1986, p. 189-198 ;
– Jacqueline Bateman, » Questions de métrique persienne », dans Lectures de Saint-John Perse, Cahiers du 20e siècle, n° 7, Klincksieck, 1976, p. 27-56 ;
– Jean Bollack, « Ailleurs », dans Honneur à Saint-John Perse, NRF, Gallimard, 1965, p. 338-344 ;
– Id., « En l’An de paille », ibid., p. 473-479 ;
– Id., La Grèce de personne, Seuil, Paris, 1997 ;
– Eveline Caduc, « Savoir et connaissance », dans Espaces de Saint-John Perse, II, Actes du Colloque Mots et savoirs dans l’œuvre de Saint-John Perse, Publications de l’Université de Provence, 1979 ;
– Colette Camelin, « Saint-John Perse lecteur de Pindare », Revue d’Histoire littéraire de la France, juil.-oct. 1991, n° 4-5, p. 591-611 ;
– Id., Éclat des contraires. La Poétique de Saint-John Perse, CNRS Littérature, 1998 ;
– Aimé Césaire, Discours prononcé samedi 11 juillet 1987 pour l’inauguration officielle de la place Gilbert Gratiant et de l’avenue Saint-John Perse [cote Fondation Saint-John Perse 191 c] ;
– Gabrielle Clerc, Saint-John Perse ou de la poésie comme acte sacré, Neuchâtel , À la Baconnière, 1990 ;
– Jean Foyard, « Chœur III », dans Stylistique et genres littéraires, Publications de l’Université de Bourgogne, LXIX, 1991, p. 112-118 ;
– Jean-Charles Gateau, « I grecs amers », dans Hommage à Saint-John Perse, NRF, févr. 1976, n° 278, p. 59-67 ;
– Pierre Guerre, Portrait de Saint-John Perse, textes établis, réunis et présentés par Roger Little, Sud, Marseille, 1989 ;
– Françoise E. E. Henry, Saint-Leger Leger traducteur de Pindare, Gallimard, 1986;
– André Hurst, « Sur un passage d’Amers : La culture grecque comme élément de savoir intégré », dans Espaces de Saint-John Perse, op. cit., p. 213-227 ;
– Henriette Levillain, Le Rituel poétique de Saint-John Perse, Gallimard, Paris, 1977
– Roger Little, « Rénovation du drame : Les Tragédiennes sont venues… », dans La Tragédie, Aporie, Le Revest-les-Eaux, nov. 1987, p. 7-15 ;
– Patrice Maincent, « L’hellénité de Saint-John Perse », dans La Nostalgie, op. cit.,
p. 181-187 ;
– Takis. C. Papatzonis, « Saint-John Perse vu par un Hellène », dans Honneur à Saint-John Perse, op. cit., p. 292-296 ;
– Liliane Py, « Dionysos dans l’espace théâtral d’Amers », dans Lectures de Saint-John Perse, op. cit., p. 91-99 ;
– Jean-Pierre Richard, « À propos d’Anabase : petite rêverie sur un titre et un nom», Information Littéraire, XXIX, 2, (mars-avril 1977), p. 70-74 ;
– Maurice Rieuneau, « Langage que fut la poétesse : La Pythie selon Saint-John Perse », dans Lectures de Saint-John Perse, op. cit., p. 101-110 ;
– Pierre Van Rutten, « Saint-John Perse et les Alexandrins », dans Saint-John Perse : Les années de formation, Actes du Colloque de Bordeaux (17-19 mars 1994), L’Harmattan, 1996, p. 127-136 ;
– Mireille Sacotte, « Saint-John Perse et Héraclite », dans Itinéraire de Saint-John Perse : Espace, initiation, écriture, thèse de doctorat, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris IV, 1983, p. 579-584 ;
– id., « Empédocle, the last shaman, its language and Saint-John Perse ", ibid., p. 836-858 ;
– Georges Séféris, « Rencontre avec Saint-John Perse », trad. par Lorand Gaspar, Alif, No. 7, winter 1976, p. 84-88 ;
– Enora Despres, Effets de la Grèce antique de l’œuvre poétique de Saint-John Perse : Saint-John Perse, la Grèce antique et le lecteur, Mémoire de Maîtrise de Lettres classiques, Université de Bretagne-Sud, 2001.
