Pay your membership fee online with Paypal

It is you can set your online subscription to the Association of Friends of the Saint-John Perse Foundation, safely, when you have an account Paypal.

The old ways of payment remain (check or postal order payable to the Association mailed, and direct transfer to the account General Society of Association). They are recalled at the end of each issue of Souffle de Perse and on the Newsletter Membership. The ability to adjust its contribution it adds online, it does not replace.

If you have an account Paypal, use it as you are used to. The beneficiary's address is

Last point for new members or in case of change of address : give us your mailing address. Publications will be sent to this address. to which membership entitles.

I remain at your disposal if you need further explanation.


Alain Dormoy
Treasurer of the Association of Friends of the Saint-John Perse Foundation
